Thursday, March 27, 2008

The pink placard is for waddling women

I read recently that California is trying to work a law saying that women in their last trimester of pregnancy and first quarter of parenthood should get a special blue placard to hang off their windshield. To be honest, I'm not sure what to feel about this. Part of me is amused. Part of me is really disgusted. Part of me thinks this is a great idea.
When I was great with Boy in utero, I had legs that could have fed a small community for a year. Normally, I have super skinny legs (about the only things on me that are) so having legs that had substance was a dream come true. Having the ache and want to give out on me all the time was not. So I see the point of the idea.
But, considering how women are constantly hammered with the idea if you gain too much weight during pregnancy (like more than 15 pounds), you are jeopardizing your life, your baby's life etc. So we have to exercise like fiends rather than sit back and enjoy it like our Mom's generations did. What will giving me the pink (and I'm just hypothesizing here on the colour) do for me? Give me the option of parking my car near the store for a convenience so that when I see my doctor in a few days, he can remind me that I've put on a lot of weight so I should exercise more?
Outside of Cali, there are states that actually have taken this and pondered it. Then implemented their own parking considerations. A friend lives in Pittsburgh and outside of the grocery stores, near the disabled parking spots are special spots for parents. You can park there if you're great with child and until your child is old enough to toddle along without too much hovering. My friend has said she's seen women abuse this with their five year olds jumping out of their vans rather than the whirlwindness of a toddler. But I think this idea makes more sense than taking up spots by disabled people for women who are not technically disabled.
It's also kind of insulting when you get right down to it that we're being lumped into the disabled category. Kind of condescending. You poor dear. You're just a big old mess that we should give special privilege to because you are so huge right now or carrying that baby bucket. I'm not saying that disabled people are getting a pat on the head and being looked on with pity. Some disabled people abuse that whole thing in very unique ways that suck. But I think a Mommies tend to milk the whole thing a little much.
We're human beings. But really, Mommies, don't you think that getting a pink placard is maybe just a little too much?