Sunday, February 8, 2009

The First Parents EVER!

A couple we are friendly with, J and W, had their first child in December. W spent her pregnancy lamenting and pontificating on her absolutely knowledge of being a pregnant woman. She changed OBs when her OB insisted she take the mandatory gestational diabetes test and her new OB took her word for it that her blood sugar was fine. After all, she had done her research on the Internet that said that the test wasn't necessary and could and should be skipped.
Their daughter, C, is two months old and they have pronounced that she is speaking all ready. Yes, C can say "Dad." She also ready for potty training. They are going to begin that directly. C is going to be the smartest, most beautiful little girl ever.
It would be funny in the 'look at the newbies' way if it wasn't for the fact they advertise their lives on social networking sites and in one of those minute update diary things. J and W have lamented the fact that they don't sleep because C wants to be awake every thirty minutes. That C will demand attention when they are trying to eat or get things done. And they are positive that they are the only parents in the world that have ever had this problem.
Of course, they haven't asked any of their other parent friends - including Husband and I - if any of their sleep deprivation is normal. Mostly because they don't want to hear 'get used to it' as an answer rather than sighing and saying that it will all get better soon. It's easier for them to stay in their microcosm than have to look out at other seasoned veterans of the wars and see that their are varying levels of how to deal with a newborn.
I wish it was just J and W who had this attitude but I seem to see it with every parent alive. I know we've been guilty of doing some of the first time parent comments. But we've learned from the mouthy Seasoned Parents that we have known/know to keep our mouths shut unless someone really wants to know our opinion. Newbie parents are sure they have the only child who doesn't sleep through the night/spoke their first word at one month/shown greater intellect than Einstein etc. We did not. We knew Boy wasn't the first kid who didn't believe in sleeping through the night. But we didn't know a whole lot of other parents who were struggling with three hours of sleep a night (my cousin's kids didn't sleep all night until they were in school which is just disheartening for me because I've got another two years for that to happen).
Behind their backs, friends are laughing at J and W who pontificate on how they will have baby C potty trained by her sixth month. They are watching carefully all her body language so that they can teach her to use the toilet rather than those filthy, germy diapers. This will cut back on their expenses on her so they can continue to eat out at Michael Mina or wherever they are pursuing the latest foodie fetish. (They proudly posted everywhere pictures of them lugging their baby bucket to French Laundry to show how C went to Thomas Keller's mothership before she was a month old) They better get used to eating at the local diner because potty training the way they want to do it is patient work and neither of them exhibit that talent.
New parents are amusing but they are a source of amusement for those of us who watch as they acquire that self satisfied and martyred tone in their world.
Good luck J and W.

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