Friday, July 6, 2007

Coupons from Kimberley Clark

I get mailings from Kimberley Clark aka Huggies occasionally. God knows I can use them with the way Boy goes through diapers. They send an email every couple of months telling me what developmental milestones Boy should be at and it's been nice. I suggest to all my pregnant friends that they sign up for these things just for the coupons.
Today I got the usual coupon book with tips on how to potty train Boy. Damn. I thought we'd wait until his second birthday to kick in the fun quotient by buying him a potty to get him used to the concept but no, they want him in potty training pants now. I flipped to the coupon page and there are two coupons for Huggies Pull Ups (training pants), Huggies diapers, Huggies wipes and then.....wait for it.....Kotex pads and such.
Is Kimberley Clark saying that my feminine protection is the same as my son's diapers? Great. Like I'm not feeling a little weird that Boy is trying to put on my various anti aging agents on his face every day after watching me his diaper is the equivalent of my pads. Fabulous.
What a world.

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