Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Exhausted from the effort

Do you ever get those days when you're just so tired from pretending that you can be superwoman but you just can't?
I'm having one of those days.
Once again, I'm left holding the bag trying to figure out Boy's future while Husband blithely goes off to work to bring home the pancetta for our little family. Our house looks like a disaster zone and I need to clean it (yes, I really am a traditional Mom - no nanny share or weekly maid service for me) before Boy's white socks turn black from the crud on the floors. And I get to start calling around to other nursery school programs to try to figure out where to send Boy if M's academy continues to vex me that will take on a child with high spirits and a lack of interest in potty training. Oh and I have to try to potty train Boy.
Keeping from breaking down is one of those things I am going to try to do. I would love to do nothing more than curling up under the duvet and crying my eyes out. But there is something vaguely self indulgent about it.
Besides, Boy just handed me his Mother's Day gift he 'made' at the academy. And he's personalizing it with a pen I left out from jotting down the names of schools I have to check out for Boy's future. Losing my grip would seem...churlish.

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